Magyar Péter már termékmegjelenítést is tartalmaz
Azonban mintha elfelejtené, hogy a rezsim megdöntéséhez nem elég megborotválkozni, de választásokat is kellene nyerni a jelen rendszer szerint.
Judgment and insight are the hallmarks of a good palate. Everything else is a technicality.
„So what, then, makes for a good palate? Many features are at work. Larry Stone believes, with reason, that you cannot have a good palate without the ability to properly analyze a wine. »If you can't recognize whether a wine has low or high acidity—and some people can't, it seems—then you can't have a good palate. You've got to be able to properly analyze a wine and be able to put words to it.«
That noted, I would submit that a genuine good palate has both the capacity and the experience to deliver good judgment. It's not enough merely to weigh a wine, as it were. Instead, the question is: What does it add up to? It's not enough to accurately analyze. You have to have insight. And to acquire that takes not just experience, but also an ability almost to empathize. (This is why someone can have a good palate for, say, Cabernet but not for Pinot Noir.)
Insightful palates find the (sometimes hidden) thrill of a wine, that electric spark that makes it stand out from other, seemingly similar, wines. How many times have you tasted with someone who has just such an insightful palate and, after hearing his or her appreciative discussion, returned to the wine and seen it anew? It's happened to me many, many times. Judgment and insight are the hallmarks of a good palate. Everything else is a technicality.”